
Best Corporate Social Responsibility Award for IOM Programme in Colombia

An IOM project that substantially increased the revenues of 470
coffee growing families as a result of the alliance between IOM,
the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the
National Coffee Growers Federation, the largest Colombian coffee
growers association, received the Emprender Paz 2011 award (Embark
On Peace 2011), the most prestigious recognition for social
corporate responsibility initiatives in Colombia.

These coffee growing families living in rural areas of 27
municipalities of the Valle del Cauca Department (western Colombia)
and most of them returning to their lands after being displaced by
violence, have increased their revenues and their quality of life
thanks to the improvement of their coffee crops.

This recognition is awarded to companies highly committed with
peace building in Colombia and to those carrying out significant
social work, benefiting communities affected by the violence
generated by illegal armed groups.

Another income generation alternative has been the employment of
200 heads of household to improve and maintain the access roads to
their municipalities.  These individuals earn the official
monthly minimum wage and receive social benefits, and received
training from the National Learning Service (SENA) in dismantling
and cleaning ditches and sewers, in the removal of landslides, and
repairing pot holes.

The IOM project has also improved the tertiary roads in the
region to reduce the transportation costs of the products which are
paid by the farmers.

The work of these heads of household is complemented by the
efforts of 120 families restoring infrastructure such as schools,
health care centres, roads and parks. 

Liliana Gallego, one of the young coffee growers who
participated in the award ceremony, explained, "We are really happy
with the opportunity given to us by this project.  It has
increased our crop yields and has improved the quality of life of
our families.  Without the support of these institutions our
situation was very precarious, now everything has improved."

It is expected that by 2012, the farmers will produce 175,000
pounds of coffee which will be sold on the national and
international market, with a profit of approximately USD 260,000
for these families.

Receiving the award, Marcelo Pisani, IOM Chief of Mission in
Colombia, said:  "This award shows that the private sector has
good ideas and goodwill and is a vital partner in peace building in
Colombia.  IOM is proud to have created mechanisms and spaces
to develop social projects that involve international cooperation
and businesses."

As a result of the design of projects within the IOM
Private-Public Alliance Strategy, IOM has become an important
partner for private companies developing social corporate
responsibility projects.

For more information, please contact:

Jorge Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel: + 57 1 639-7777

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