
Benefits of Migration to be Showcased by Leading Experts

Leading migration experts from around the world will gather in New
York this week to showcase successful examples of integration
programs and recommend migration policies aimed at promoting
tolerance and understanding in multicultural societies.

The Alliance of Civilizations (UNAoC) joined forces with the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) to organize a
High-Level Roundtable, co-sponsored by the Italian and Canadian
Permanent Missions to the United Nations. This event, entitled "The
Inter-ethnic City: Management and Policies for a Better Integration
of Migrants", will be held on Monday,
September 28th 2009 from 9am – 1pm in Conference Room 8 at
the United Nations Headquarters

In an increasingly diverse world, where migration is all too
often perceived as a threat to national identities and social
cohesion, it is crucial to underline the positive impact migration
generates in host countries, in terms of workforce, creation of
wealth, global poverty reduction, innovation and creativity.
According to President Sampaio, the UN Secretary-General's High
Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations, "Cultural
diversity can spark innovation, stimulate creativity and boost the
economy. But we cannot take it for granted. We need policies and
common action aimed at the successful integration of migrant
populations. In this regard, municipal and local governments play a
crucial role in promoting sustainable urban development based on
cultural diversity, as a key factor to prevent conflicts and
contribute to security and peace."

This Roundtable will examine good practices and processes for
better integration at the level of cities as experienced by local
administrators, policymakers and other stakeholders. The event will
highlight practical policies and facilitate networking of
representatives of municipalities and other relevant institutions.
One of the key outcomes of the event will be recommendations that
will shape the development of an online Clearinghouse by the UN
Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for
Migration on successful integration and migration policies. IOM's
Director-General William Lacy Swing calls for "unprecedented
cooperation among all actors to reap the benefits of successful
migrant integration including strengthened social cohesion and
enhanced cross-cultural relations that promote international peace
and security."

The event will focus on the urban level and will tackle what
Fondazione della Rocca called "the crisis of the city". Italian
Under-Secretary of State Scotti said that "The city is at the
forefront of globalization, reproducing its effects. It is a place
of increasing challenges: insecurity and crime; poverty; separation
among communities at the social level, which is too often
translated also in a physical separation, thus creating separate
spaces within the same urban context. But at the same time the city
is also the place for increasing economic opportunities, enhanced
communication, cultural vivacity, scientific advances." The
challenge of the event will be to bring together a mix of different
experiences and backgrounds and propose practical solutions to
those challenges and to realize those opportunities.

The Roundtable will be opened by Mr. Enzo Scotti and Ambassador
William Lacy Swing, Director General of IOM. President Jorge
Sampaio, the High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations,
will deliver a video message. Leading experts and policy-makers
from around the world will also take part in the event, and closing
remarks will be given by Mr. Keith Christie, Assistant Deputy
Minister for Global Issues, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade and Mr Marc Scheuer, Director of the
Alliance of Civilizations.

Ahead of the event, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs stated:
"In a time when our countries and peoples are becoming globally
interdependent, the promotion of cross-cultural, ethnic and
religious understanding and cooperation is increasingly vital. We
see this event as part of our broader efforts to enhance mutual
understanding, combat discrimination, and promote respect among all
cultures and faiths."

Note to Editors

A webcast of the event will be available
on:  "" target="_blank" title=

Speakers will be available for interviews following the

For media enquiries, please contact Daanish Masood,
Communications Officer, Alliance of Civilizations: +1 917 847 3084;

About IOM

Established in 1951, IOM is the leading
inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works
closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental
partners. With 125 member states, a further 18 states holding
observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated
to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.
It does so by providing services and advice to governments and
migrants. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane
management of migration, to promote international cooperation on
migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions
to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to
migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced

About the UN Alliance of

The Alliance of Civilizations seeks to reduce
tensions across cultural divides that threaten to inflame existing
political conflicts or trigger new ones. Working with its global
network of government partners, the Alliance promotes policies and
initiatives aimed at improving relations between diverse cultural
groups. It also works at grassroots level, promoting innovative
projects in education, youth, media and migration in order to build
trust, reconciliation and mutual respect among diverse communities.
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