
Azerbaijan, International Community and Parliamentarians Join Forces against Human Trafficking and Smuggling

Baku – Today (30/10) in Baku, the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan and IOM, the UN Migration Agency, will organize an international conference with the Milli Mejlis (National Assembly) of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Main Department for Combatting Human Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan; and the Leader Women Public Union.

The conference titled “Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Countering Human Trafficking and Smuggling: International and National Legislative and Operational Framework” aims to enhance international and regional discussions and partnerships for investigating transnational organized crime and improve protection of trafficked persons. The event also seeks to foster inclusive and integrated multi-disciplinary approaches to counter trafficking and migrant smuggling.

It is organized under the “Enhancement of National Capacities to Combat Human Trafficking in Azerbaijan (ENCT)” project led by IOM and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the IOM Development Fund (IDF).

The conference coincides with the 15th Anniversary of the Ratification of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women, Children, which supplement the United Nation’s Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. It will bring together parliamentarians from 11 countries, as well as experts and representatives from several international and national organizations.

Opening remarks will be delivered by high-level speakers including Ali Huseynli, Chair of Legal Policy and State Building Committee of Milli Mejills; Bahr Muradova, Vice Speaker of MIlli Mejils; Alexandra Nerisanu, Acting Director of Cooperation Department of EU Delegation to Azerbaijan; Ghulam Isaczai, United Nations Resident Coordinator and the United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative in Azerbaijan; and Serhan Aktoprak, Chief of IOM Mission in Azerbaijan.

Conference presentations and discussions will take place in a Plenary Session and three parallel breakout sessions.

With financial support from the EU and the IDF, IOM works with the Azerbaijani government to combat human trafficking and consequently transnational organized crime by applying a comprehensive, holistic and multidisciplinary approach.

For more information please contact Marija Nikolovska at IOM Azerbaijan, Tel: +994 12 465 90 71/72, Email: