
Assistance to Flood Victims in Remote Eastern Province Gains Momentum

IOM's relief effort to victims of flooding in the remote Cazombo
district, in Angola's eastern province of Moxico is gaining

Sixteen tons of urgently needed corrugated iron sheets purchased
with funding from the UN's Central Emergency Revolving Fund (CERF)
are being flown today and tomorrow onboard an Angolan military
plane from Luanda to Cazombo, some 200 kilometres from the Zambian

"The corrugated iron sheets will be distributed by IOM staff to
vulnerable families, mostly internally displaced people,
demobilized soldiers and returnees in Cazombo," says Katharina
Schnoring, IOM's Chief of Mission in Angola. "We continue to work
with the Angolan government and the UN Country Team to assess the
needs of victims in remote areas of the district, but access
remains very difficult, especially now that the rains have

So far, IOM teams have visited seven remote villages and
registered 4,168 particularly vulnerable persons who will be
assisted by the Organization to set up emergency shelters with
plastic and corrugated iron sheets.

IOM is currently purchasing additional plastic sheets and
tarpaulins in neighbouring Zambia, which will be transported by
four-wheel drive vehicles to Cazombo.

"IOM is also looking at ways to provide seeds and tools to the
flood-affected victims to help them resume agricultural work as
soon as the waters recede," says Schnoring. "This will ensure
the rapid resumption of agricultural production and improve
self-reliance and food security."

More than two tons of children's clothing purchased with funds
from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) were
recently flown and distributed by IOM to families in Cazombo but
with more than 17,000 people affected by the floods, needs remain

IOM is also currently working with Angola's National Commission
for Civil Protection to see how assistance can be provided to an
estimated 1,000 flood victims in Menomgue, in the South-eastern
Kuando-Kubango province.

Excessive rains since the second half of December have caused
extensive localized flooding in other provinces, including Luanda,
Lunda Sul, Lunda Nord, Uige, Benugela, Malange, Cabinda and

For more information, please contact:

Katharina Schnoring

IOM Luanda

Tel: +244 912 207 362

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