
Assistance to Angola's Flood Victims Receives New Backing

IOM programmes to provide non-food and shelter assistance to
vulnerable flood-affected households in the south-eastern Kuando
Kubango province have received new backing from the United Nations'
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and from the Swiss Agency
for Cooperation and Development (SDC).

The USD 273,000 CERF funding will allow IOM to distribute
additional shelter materials, including corrugated iron sheeting
and tarpaulins, as well as blankets, clothes, hygiene and cooking
items to some 20,000 beneficiaries living in the municipalities of
Mavinga, Rivungo, Calai and Savate.

The USD 14,000 funding from SDC will provide direct assistance
to some 1,000 particularly vulnerable families living in the
municipalities of Menongue, Missombo and Caiundo.

"The assistance will be distributed by IOM staff to vulnerable
families, mostly female-headed displaced households, demobilized
soldiers and returnees living in some of the more remote
locations," says IOM's Chief of Mission in Angola, Katharina
Schnoring. "The cargo will be flown next week to Kuando Kubango by
the National Commission for Civil Protection." 

To date, IOM teams working with UN partners and Angola's Civil
Protection Unit have registered more than 56,000 vulnerable
internally displaced people (IDPs) living in Kuando Kubango and
Kunene provinces, which have been particularly affected by heavy
rains and flooding since late January.

According to the Angolan government's Civil Protection Unit, the
floods have led to the loss of livestock, and the destruction of or
damage to crops, roads, houses, and schools.

For further information, please contact:

Katharina Schnoring

IOM Luanda

Tel. +244 912 207 362

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