
Assessment of Conflict-Affected Families Begins in Kunduz, Afghanistan

Afghanistan - Heavy fighting in Kunduz province in September and October displaced thousands of families and caused widespread damage. Humanitarian access to the province has been limited for the past month due to insecurity.

IOM staff are on the ground in the city this week, playing a lead role in a needs assessment of conflict-affected families.

A joint UN humanitarian mission arrived in Kunduz on Saturday (31/10) to join assessment teams with government and national/international NGO partners. Initially, the assessment will cover 13 locations in Kunduz city.

Assessment partners will be utilizing the Multi-Sector Rapid Assessment Form (MSRAF), recently revised and rolled out by IOM, UNOCHA and other humanitarian agencies.

The MSRAF is a common rapid assessment tool for humanitarian emergencies. It captures key information on the demographics and needs of affected populations, including age, gender, critical vulnerabilities, sector-specific needs (e.g. health, food security, shelter and education) and existing local capacity.

“As humanitarian actors regain access to Kunduz, the information gathered through this assessment will be vital for helping to get the right kind of aid to those who need it most,” said Zainullah Sultani, IOM’s team leader in Kunduz.

The MSRAF was initially developed in 2011, with funding support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. It has since been adopted as the main multi-cluster assessment tool for humanitarian response in Afghanistan.

The Afghan government is fully involved with the assessment efforts, with representatives from the provincial governor’s office, Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, and other relevant bodies, part of the assessment teams.

“This multi-sectoral needs assessment is broader, which will help us to plan both the immediate and long-term response,” said Hamdullah Danishi, Acting Governor of Kunduz.

Following the assessment in Kunduz city and analysis of the information gathered through the MSRAF, preparations will begin to deliver assistance to families in need. Further assessments in Kunduz are planned, when conditions allow.

For further information, please contact Matt Graydon at IOM Kabul, Tel. +93 794 100 546,