
Asia-Pacific Emergency Shelter Experts Meet in Bangkok

IOM to host over 70 emergency shelter experts in Bangkok this week. Photo: Global Shelter Cluster

Bangkok – IOM will this week host back-to-back meetings for over 70 emergency shelter experts in the Thai capital Bangkok. The events, which will take place on 17th and 18th of May at the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre (BACC) will bring together practitioners and partners to discuss challenges and best practices of implementing emergency and transitional shelter projects in the region. 

The Shelter Projects Workshop Asia-Pacific on 17 May ( will focus on learning from past experiences by actively engaging participants using case studies from the bi-annual Shelter Projects publication. It will bring together practitioners, academics and other stakeholders to collectively review case studies, focusing on what worked well and what didn’t in the past. It will also provide an opportunity to share experiences from recent shelter and settlement responses in the region, and identify cases for inclusion in the next edition of Shelter Projects.

The Asia Shelter and Settlements Forum on 18 of May ( will provide an informal forum for an exchange of ideas and lessons learned. Building on the findings and outcomes emerging from the Shelter Projects Workshop, it will review some of the best practices in the region, looking at how these can be transferred between countries. It will concentrate on a number of themes including preparedness activities, linking relief to recovery, and identifying the localized approaches that work best in the Asia-Pacific context.

For more information please contact Maria Moita at the IOM Regional Office in Bangkok. Email: Tel. +66.62.602.8768.