
American Red Cross and IOM Finish Housing Project

The American Red Cross and IOM are celebrating the completion of
more than 1,800 homes in communities that were destroyed by the
December 2004 tsunami, nearly three years ago.

Shortly after the tsunami, IOM and the American Red Cross formed
a close partnership to rebuild tsunami-affected communities
throughout Aceh, Indonesia. Along with building houses, the
partnership also focused on promoting health and hygiene and
providing clean water and proper sanitation.  

"This partnership is about giving families an opportunity to get
their lives back. That means water and shelter, but it also means a
sense of community and belonging," says Steve Cook, IOM’s
Chief of Mission in Indonesia.

One of these communities is Lhok Timon, a village of 1,320
people and 447 households located five kilometres north of the town
of Calang in Aceh Jaya district. It is situated on the section of
the west coast that was worst hit by the waves and caused most of
the village to be washed away. Survivors relocated to a
neighbouring village, but returned to Lhok Timon after only a month
to start rebuilding their community.  Now, nearly three years
later, the community is back together, stronger and more

"These new homes are much more than physical structures," says
Tom Alcedo, American Red Cross senior field representative in
Indonesia. "They allow families to start a new beginning and start
thinking about the future."

In addition to funding IOM’s construction of more than
1,800 new homes and transitional shelters, the American Red Cross
is also providing funding to IOM to ensure that over 4,000
IOM-constructed homes have access to a permanent water supply and
appropriate sanitation. It is also funding the construction of 21
schools and community centres. 

For Amardani, the 39-year-old mayor of Lhok Timon, the help from
IOM and the American Red Cross has been crucial to the rebirth of
his community. "It’s like a dream come true to see the IOM
houses in our village and we are very grateful for this gift. 
We will use these houses as the place where we will start a new
life with our new hopes," he says.

For further information, please contact:

Jeff McMurdo

IOM Banda Aceh

Tel:  + 628111907028

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Jihan Labetubun

IOM Jakarta

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