
Aid Distribution in Petit-Goâve and Léogâne, Camp Management Focuses on Port-au-Prince Settlements

IOM and its partners are now racing to deliver shelter materials to
the cities of Petit-Goâve and Léogâne, now home
to many former Port-au-Prince residents, before the start of the
rainy season.

IOM's partners, including the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, Handicap International and Oxfam International have
started distributing more than 2,000 UNHCR tents, 5,800 blankets
donated by the Japanese and US governments, hundreds of boxes of
hygiene kits and enough rolls of plastic sheeting donated by USAID
to cover the needs of some 8,200 families (41,000 individuals).

On 7 February, US military helicopters delivered plastic
sheeting, blankets and jerry cans to more than 2,000 isolated
families living in the mountains above the neighbourhood of
Petionville.  IOM emergency staff and members of the
Fraternite Notre Dame distributed the aid.

IOM and its partner agencies working in the area of camp
coordination and camp management (CCCM) have now identified 315
spontaneous settlement sites in and around the capital
Port-au-Prince, hosting more than 91,000 families (468,000

CCCM agencies are working on registration of the displaced,
improving shelter and creating drainage and latrines in the
settlements, focusing on a group of 15 sites sheltering more than
5,000 displaced people. Efforts are also being made to secure
additional land close to heavily congested sites such as Place
Boyer, Place St. Pierre and Champs de Mars, where IOM and its
partners are planning to distribute aid in the coming days.

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a Donation Help Haiti's Earthquake Victims "12" hspace="0" src=
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"_blank" title="">United States "12" hspace="0" src=
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"" target="_blank" title="">Other
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target="_blank" title="">Haiti Earthquake Flash Appeal
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style="MARGIN-LEFT: 7px"> More on Haiti

Assistance, including the distribution of shelter material, is
also being provided to seven organized settlements, including Parc
St. Claire, Parc Colofer and Parc de la Fe in the Delmas
neighbourhood. Daily camp management is provided by IOM's CCCM
partner agencies, including Islamic Relief, the Salvation Army, the
IFRC, Haitian Red Cross and Turkish Red Crescent.

To date, aid agencies have worked with the Haitian government to
distribute over 23,000 tarpaulins and 22,000 family-sized tents,
with a further 124,000 tarpaulins and 14,000 tents ready for
distribution. The challenge is to provide earthquake survivors with
sufficient materials to construct their own transitional shelters,
which will need to be sturdy enough to withstand the onset of the
hurricane season in June.

IOM's earthquake emergency response in Haiti is currently
supported by USD 28.5 million in funding from the USA, UK, Sweden,
Korea, Japan, France, Finland and Canada. It has also received
funding from the UN Central Emergency Fund (CERF), the Clinton
Foundation and private donors, including the Argos Cement Company
of Colombia.

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Philippe Chauzy

IOM Haiti

Tel. +509 3643 79 14

       +41 79 285 4366

E-mail:  "">


Mark Turner

Tel: +509 38140189

E-mail: ""> 

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