
Aid Agencies Race to Shelter Haiti Quake Victims Ahead of Rains, Overhaul Coordination

A network of 55 humanitarian agencies is currently racing to
provide tens of thousands of tents, tarpaulins, ropes and toolkits
to 1.1 million displaced Haitians before the onset of the rainy
season – which could begin as soon as the end of February.
Rains have already begun to fall in the southern town of Jacmel.

Distribution is gathering pace both in Port-au-Prince and
beyond, with a system now in place for the town of Leogane (west of
the capital), and in the planning stage for other major centers of

To date, agencies have worked with the Haitian government to
distribute at least 15,000 tarpaulins and 12,000 family-sized
tents, with a further 52,000 tarpaulins and shelter kits ready to
go. Humanitarian agencies are providing materials for Haitians to
construct their own transitional shelters, given the need to
establish sturdier structures before the hurricane season begins in

IOM and its partner agencies have so far identified 315
settlement sites in the capital Port-au-Prince and outskirts,
hosting more than 500,000 individuals (98,000 families).

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a Donation Help Haiti's Earthquake Victims "12" hspace="0" src=
style="MARGIN-LEFT: 7px">  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href="" target=
"_blank" title="">United States "12" hspace="0" src=
style="MARGIN-LEFT: 7px">  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
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Countries "12" hspace="0" src=
style="MARGIN-LEFT: 7px">  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
target="_blank" title="">Haiti Earthquake Flash Appeal

The Haitian government is establishing a new site in the
neighbourhood of Tabarre, where a total of 270 tents have been set
up, each with a six-person capacity, alongside fifty latrines and
20 showers.  The first displaced families are expected to
arrive shortly.

According to the government, more than 482,000 people have left
Port-au-Prince for outlying areas, with the departments of South,
Grand Anse, Nippes and Central Plateau witnessing a 15 to 20 per
cent increase in the number of recent arrivals.

Assessments carried out by the UN Mission in Haiti indicate that
up to 90 per cent of those who have left are currently living with
relatives, with the remainder staying with host families.

This influx towards rural areas has led to an increase in the
local prices of basic commodities, such as rice, oil and sugar and
has added pressure to already overstretched infrastructure and
services, including primary health care and

IOM's health unit in Haiti is working with public health experts
from the Harvard Medical School and the NGO Partners in Health to
carry out in-depth assessments in selected sites in Port-au-Prince,
St. Marc and Mirebalais to identify environmental healthcare needs
and service gaps.

"As more people stay longer in spontaneous settlements, it is
crucial to keep pace with the increased demand for sufficient
public and environmental healthcare, water supply and sanitation,"
says IOM health team leader in Haiti Dr. Nenette Motus.

IOM intends to open four health logistics hubs in the
departments of Artibonite, Central Plateau and in Port-au-Prince to
facilitate health referrals, access to treatment, return and
follow-up care for patients who leave hospitals.

Haitians have continued to cross overland into the Dominican
Republic at the Jimani border crossing point, at the rate of more
than 1,000 a day.

As the complexity of the Haiti earthquake response grows with
the challenge of providing shelter for survivors before the onset
of the rains and the hurricane season, together with the arrival of
more aid agencies on the ground, the UN yesterday announced changes
to the coordination of the international emergency

IOM, which at the request of the UN Relief Coordinator took the
lead role in coordinating aid agencies providing shelter, non-food
relief items and camp coordination and camp management (CCCM),
immediately after the disaster, will now hand over part of the
coordination function to the International Federation of the Red
Cross (IFRC.)

IOM will continue to coordinate the work of agencies involved in
CCCM, while IFRC will take over the coordination of agencies
providing shelter and non-food relief items – a role that it
normally assumes in the so-called "cluster" approach following
natural disasters.

"This will strengthen each cluster's ability to focus on its
priorities and deliver efficiently on the many pressing
humanitarian challenges that lie ahead of us," said UN Relief
Coordinator Sir John Holmes.

The change, which will be completed by February 10th, will not
in any way impact IOM's active operational role in delivering
shelter and non-food relief to earthquake survivors as a member of
the shelter cluster.

IOM Director General William Lacy Swing yesterday left Geneva
for a three-day visit to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He will
inspect IOM operations in both countries and will meet high-level
officials. He formerly served as US Ambassador to Haiti for five
years and has retained close links with the country and its

IOM's earthquake emergency response in Haiti is currently
supported by USD 28.5 million in funding from the USA, UK, Sweden,
Korea, Japan, France, Finland and Canada. It has also received
funding from the UN Central Emergency Fund (CERF), the Clinton
Foundation and private donors, including the Argos Cement Company
of Colombia.

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Philippe Chauzy

IOM Haiti

Tel. +41 79 285 4366

E-mail:  ""> 


Mark Turner

Tel: +509 38140189

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