
Agreement To Enhance Efficient Migration Management in East Africa

An agreement aimed at improving the management of migration in East
Africa through joint activities has been signed between IOM and the
East African Community (EAC).

The two organizations will work on the development and reform of
migration-related policies, laws and regulations by promoting
efforts to strengthen the capacity of governments in curbing
irregular migration and trans-national crime such as human

In addition, IOM and EAC will collaborate on developing regional
health programmes aimed at promoting the health of migrants,
hard-to-reach, displaced and mobile populations. Other areas of
joint action include facilitating transportation and other related
assistance to various categories of migrants such as EAC nationals
returning home, EAC nationals travelling abroad for work and study,
refugees repatriating to their countries of origin and refugees
departing to countries for resettlement.

For further information, please contact:

Rose Ogola

IOM Nairobi

Tel: +254 20 4444167

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