
African Youth and Irregular Migration, Theme of IOM Côte d’Ivoire Partnership with Major Urban Music Festival

Marina Schramm, IOM Chief of Mission, Côte d’Ivoire during the opening ceremony of FEMUA 11. Photo: IOM

Abidjan — IOM, the UN Migration Agency is this week (17-22/04) participating in the 2018 Anoumabo Urban Music Festival (FEMUA) under the theme: African Youth and Irregular Migration.

One of the biggest festivals in Sub-Saharan Africa with over 200,000 participants expected each day, the 11th Edition of FEMUA takes place in Abidjan and Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire.

A series of activities have been organized around to raise awareness among young Ivorians and Africans on the risks of irregular migration specifically and migration in general.

Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncanattended the opening ceremony on 17 April along with the Minister for the Promotion of Youth, Youth Employment and Civic Service Sidi Tiémoko Touré as well as the Ivorian world-famous group, Magic System, through its Fondation Magic System. Marina Schramm, IOM Côte D’Ivoire Chief of Mission was also present at the launch.

“The theme of this edition offers an important opportunity for IOM and Fondation Magic System to work together to raise awareness among young Africans in general and Ivorians in particular on the risks of irregular migration as well as on available alternatives,” explained Schramm.

On 17 and 18 April, the Carrefour Jeunesse side event gathered young Ivorians and Africans who exchanged on issues of irregular migration. During these two days, IOM conducted and facilitated eight brainstorming workshops to which 50 young people participated.

Throughout the festival, IOM is hosting an information booth to raise awareness and share information about the Organization and its activities and continue raising awareness among festival goers on the risks of irregular migration.

The partnership with Fondation Magic System was established under the EU-OIM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Côte d’Ivoire, funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) and implemented by IOM in partnership with the Ivorian government.

For more information please contact Marina Schramm, IOM Côte d’Ivoire, Tel: +225 22528200, Email: