
33 Asylum Seekers Relocated from Greece to Finland with IOM Support

Greece - On Wednesday (09/03) 33 asylum seekers had the opportunity to make a fresh start in Finland through the EU’s ongoing relocation program from Greece.  

The group left Greece accompanied by IOM staff and arrived safely in Finland. IOM staff also were on hand at the airport to provide arrival assistance and transfer to the Finnish authorities. 

Among the group were four unaccompanied migrant children, a person with a physical disability and a survivor of one of the hundreds of shipwrecks in the Aegean that have taken the lives of thousands of people in search of safety in Europe. 

IOM is working closely with the Greek government to continue to implement the relocation program from Greece to EU Member States (MS), which provides asylum seekers in Greece the opportunity to travel in a safe and legal way to other EU MS who will review their asylum application. 

The group relocated to Finland today was amongst the 250 people who benefitted from relocation in the last week; others have been relocated to France, Portugal and Lithuania. 

Prior to departure from Greece, IOM organizes health assessments and pre-departure cultural orientation and information sessions, including important information on what they can expect upon arrival and in support of their transition from Greece to their new homes.

Beneficiaries of the relocation program also are provided with reception services, health care and integration support in the country of relocation. 

IOM applauds EU Member States participating in the relocation program and views these as concrete signs of solidarity and responsibility-sharing in helping Greece manage the growing numbers of migrants and refugees arriving on Greece’s shores.

The relocation of beneficiaries of international protection from Greece is being implemented by IOM, with the continuing support of the European Commission and European Member States and in cooperation with the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). 

For further information, please contact IOM Greece Besim Ajeti, Tel. +30 21 099 190 40, or Mob. +30 698 654 7043, Email: