In a world with unprecedented levels of international mobility, disasters, conflicts and other crises increasingly affect migrants. Millions of migrants were among the victims of conflicts in Libya and Yemen, wildfires in California, floods in Thailand – and countless other crises over the world. In all these situations, migrants have been made particularly vulnerable through language barriers, insufficient access to assistance, and xenophobia and discrimination. 

Including migrants in crisis prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is a global concern, relevant for governments and non-governmental actors in migrants’ countries of origin and destination. The Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster (or MICIC Guidelines) provide all relevant actors with a blueprint to design and implement migrant-inclusive crisis management efforts. A non-binding international framework, the Guidelines stand today as the only document specifically aimed to improving the protection of migrants when the countries in which they live, work, study, or travel experience a crisis – and a key elements of global sustainable development and humanitarian objectives.  

IOM is at the forefront of efforts to promote crisis management efforts that account for migrants and their needs. The MICIC team at IOM supports governments, emergency responders, consular staff and migrants to implement the recommendations of the MICIC Guidelines through a comprehensive offer of face-to-face and online advocacy, capacity building and crisis preparedness services.  

To learn more about the MICIC Initiative, contact us at 


As the unprecedented global crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, migrants across the globe require increased support and assistance, which demands coordinated responses and highlights the need for better preparedness from all stakeholders within the migration system. 

As the world is now compelled to work remotely, the MICIC team of IOM is working to bring capacity building services online, to further enhance and strengthen the ability of key stakeholders to integrate migrants into crisis preparedness, response and recovery actions.