Migrant Stories

Youth Empowerment and Alternatives to Migration

Moldova, a country with a 3.5 million population in Eastern Europe,
is one of the main sources of labour migrants in the region, with
one-fourth of its economically active population working abroad.
Poverty, unemployment and the lack of economic alternatives
continuously push Moldovan citizens to take the risk, leave their
families and search for better opportunities elsewhere.

Almost every other Moldovan family has a migration story to
tell. But not the family of Sergiu. He believes that the key to his
success is the support and integrity of his family.

"Although the times were not always easy and favourable, I still
continue to develop my business and contribute to the prosperity of
my family and community here, in Moldova", Sergiu says.

Sergiu, 28, lives with his family in the the suburbs of a small
town called Causeni. The small family business run by Sergiu and
his father was not spared by the economic crisis, making it
impossible for him to sustain his family and employees. It seemed
that the only solution would be to leave the country, as many of
his peers had already done.

"It was a very difficult moment in my life. To rebuild the
business, additional financial resources had to be invested. I
found myself standing at the doorstep to migration, although I had
never had this thought before", says Sergiu.

The thought of leaving his parents alone was hurtful and hard to
accept. Therefore, Sergiu didn't give up on the idea of finding
opportunities in Moldova. That's when Sergiu found out about the
National Economic Empowerment of Young People Programme (PNAET)
developed by the Government of Moldova. The PNAET targets young
people 18 to 30 years old and provides favourable bank loans with a
grant component for launching and developing a business in rural
communities. It proved to be a popular programme among young people
in Moldova, as it directly responded to their needs. IOM Moldova
aligned to it in order to support the creation of alternatives to

"Creation and support of independent income generating
activities are the most vital tools for prevention of migration and
its possible negative consequences, offering sustainable
alternatives to migration and the associated risks", says Ghenadie
Cretu, IOM Migration and Development Programme Coordinator.

Participation in the PNAET provided not only additional business
start-up and management skills and knowledge through training, but
also a low interest rate loan. This enabled Sergiu to purchase a
special machine to carry heavy loads and a mixer for making
asphalt. Due to his perseverance and desire to grow, as well as an
IOM grant in the form of equipment, Sergiu was able to further
develop his business. Now, Sergiu manages over 10 employees,
providing them with a chance to earn a decent salary and living for
their families.

"The opportunity provided by IOM Moldova has given me much more
than a grant and professional knowledge. Most importantly, it
offered me a great chance to stay with my family, take care of my
parents and look forward to see my children grow up", Sergiu

Sergiu is only one of 400 young men and women, including those
from socially vulnerable families, from all over Moldova who have
the opportunity to participate in the economic empowerment
trainings during 2011-2012 with IOM support, and to receive small
business development grants to start entrepreneurial activities to
build their future at home. On a competitive basis there will be
around 100 small grants of up to 2000 Euros disbursed to the best
and most sustainable business plans whose implementation will be
monitored alongside further consultancy assistance.

For more information, please contact Tatiana Jardan, IOM
Moldova, "mailto:tjardan@iom.int">tjardan@iom.int


(Inset) Sergiu is driving a new forklift truck bought as a part
of the IOM grant. After participation in PNAET programme, Sergiu
managed to enlarge his family construction business. © IOM