Migrant Stories

No Escaping Destiny: Painting the Future of Les Cayes, Haiti

As a young painter in Les Cayes, Haiti, Joubert Alerte would have
given up everything to pursue his passion - painting - had he known
what he knows today, that his talent has made him one of the most
famous painters of Les Cayes.

Ever since Joubert's paintings were featured in the Avenir
Community Center, refurbished as part of IOM's PREPEP program,
which focuses on community stabilization in Haiti, he has been in
high demand by the business and entertainment community of Les

Joubert began to learn painting at a community school near his
hometown of Jeremie in southwest Haiti.  But due to his
family's precarious economic situation, he had to abandon art
school and moved to Les Cayes where he started working as a
professional painter and making jewelry.  He also set up the
"JPC Art Gallery and School", where he teaches art to the youth of
Les Cayes.

Concentrating on his work and trying to make a living did not
leave Joubert much time to participate in community activities.

When he was approached by IOM staff to provide his services as a
volunteer to paint the wall of the Avenir Community Center, he
immediately rejected the idea.  IOM then turned to two of his
art students, who accepted but said that they needed Joubert, their
teacher, to work with them.  They said that the complexity of
such a project required a higher technical capacity that they did
not possess.  Joubert finally agreed to join them and together
they painted a scene of women dancing on the street.

Working on the project as a volunteer meant that he was only
provided with supplies and some food while he painted.  As the
painting progressed, many people in the community and those passing
through started to express great appreciation for his work. Several
people who just happened to be walking by gave him money to express
their thanks.

Joubert has received two awards for his painting, from IOM and
from the Haitian Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Following the accolades he received for the mural, Joubert has
received many requests for paintings from businessmen.  He is
doing his best to keep up with all the new demands.

More students have approached him to take classes, but he says
he can't take them all because he does not have enough

And when other artists ask to meet with him, Joubert says, "I
never thought that other artists would want to meet me."

One of the expressions Joubert has been using lately is: "kote m
pran tan, pou map pedi tan."  By saying I have no time to
lose, he means that he is so busy with his newfound notoriety that
he has no time to waste on other activities. And he adds, "This is
all thanks to my participation in the IOM project."

Though at first he did not want to participate, Joubert now
thanks IOM for giving him a chance to make his talents and skills
known to the community.  His achievements have inspired
greater self-confidence, courage, and determination to continue
using his talents to improve his life and his community.  This
experience has also taught him the importance of seizing any and
all opportunities to transform his community.

His painting at the Avenir Community Center will be a lasting
legacy for him and a constant reminder to everyone of the
importance of community involvement.

IOM's PREPEP program (Programme de Revitalisation et de
Promotion de l'Entente et de la Paix) is a continuation of IOM's
Haiti Transition Initiative, which began in 2004.

Implemented by IOM, PREPEP works closely with the Government of
Haiti in the pursuit of its four objectives: to enhance citizen
confidence and participation in a peaceful political transition; to
empower citizens and the Haitian government to address priority
community needs; to build cooperative frameworks between citizens
and government entities at all levels, and to promote peaceful
interaction among conflicted populations.

IOM staff work with vulnerable communities and the Haitian
national and municipal government bodies in an effort to assist
with the stabilization of volatile neighborhoods through the
rehabilitation of key infrastructure, such as roads, markets and
schools, and social/cultural activities.

To date, the program, funded by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), has approved more than 1,400
grants with a total value of US$ 30 million.

For more information on IOM's work in Haiti, please visit: class="paragraph-link-no-underline" href="http://www.iomhaiti.org/"
target="_blank" title="">http://www.iomhaiti.org/

For more information, please contact:

Matthew Van Geest

Program Support Officer

IOM Haiti

Tel: +1.509.244.1218

E-mail: "mailto:mvangeest@iom.int" target="_blank" title=