Title Year published / adopted Type of Documents Region Covered Themes
Summary Report of a Thematic Meeting on Cooperation Strategies for Addressing Irregular Migration 2011 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Labour migration, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration and development
Full Report of Workshop on Recruitment of Workers for Overseas Employment 2011 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Labour migration, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration and development
Summary Report of a WorKshop on Lowering the Cost of Migration for Higher Development Gains 2011 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Labour migration, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration and development
Summary Report of a Thematic Meeting on Migration Profiles - Lessons Learned 2011 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration Policy and Governance
Silk Routes Region Project First Intergovernmental Meeting Conclusions 2011 Chair's Summary Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Border Management, Asylum and refugees
BMP Prague Process Newsletter No. 3 2011 Newsletter Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
BMP Prague Process Newsletter No. 5 2011 Newsletter Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
BMP Prague Process Newsletter No. 6 2011 Newsletter Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
20 Years Budapest Process 2011 Report Eurasia Migration Policy and Governance, Partnership and cooperation on migration
2011 GFMD Summit Meeting Report 2011 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration
2011 Civil Society Days Recommendations 2011 Recommendations Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration
2011 Civil Society Days Chair's Statement 2011 Chair's Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Cooperation with Third Countries 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Border Management, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Migration and Social Change 2011 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration
IOM in the Black Sea Region: Integrated Border Management 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Border Management, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Cooperation structures within and between border guard authorities in the countries directly bordering the Black Sea 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Border Management, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Ad Hoc Group Progress Report by the Co-Chairs 2011 Report Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Migration Data, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Co-Chair's Statement on Fifth Ad Hoc Group SOM 2011 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Migration Data, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Second Action Plan for the Implementation of the Africa-EU Partnership 2011 Action Plan Africa, Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
EU Directive on trafficking in human beings 2011 Guidance Europe Border Management, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
ICMPD Presentation at the 2nd Meeting of the Black Sea Region Working Group 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Statement of UNODC for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Building Migration Partnerships Map on Illegal Migration Routes 2011 Map Eurasia Migration Data, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Irregular Migration
Protecting Refugees and Other Persons on the Move in the ECOWAS Space 2011 Report Africa Asylum and refugees, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Fighting Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Human Beings in SEE 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
U.S. Trafficking in Person (TIP) Report 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
UNODC Support in the field of migrant smuggling and human trafficking legislation 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Migration Policy and Governance
UNODC Activities in Support of the Bali Process 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
The Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) 2011 Website Europe Migrants’ rights and migration law, Migration and development, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Gender and migration
Prague Process Action Plan 2012-2016 2011 Guidance Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Inclusion and integration, Asylum and refugees
Extended Migration Profile: Armenia 2011 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
Extended Migration Profile: Georgia 2011 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Migration and development
Extended Migration Profile: Kyrgyzstan 2011 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Migration and development
Extended Migration Profile: Ukraine 2011 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Migration and development
Co-Chair's Statement on Fourth Ad Hoc Group SOM 2011 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Co-Chair's Statement on Fourth SOM 2011 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Cambodia's Approach to Trafficking Persons 2011 Report Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
SOM Bali Process: Country Perspective - Malaysia 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Co-Chair's Statement on Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Australia for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Brunei Darussalam for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of China for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Fiji for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Indonesia for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Nauru for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of the Solomon Islands for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Thailand for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Organised Crime Overview 2011 Powerpoint Presentation Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Statement of Timor-Leste for the Fourth Regional Ministerial Conference 2011 Position Paper Asia and the Pacific, Middle East Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
1 Reunión Extraordinaria 1993 Summary Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration