IOM X: Not your average development campaign

IOM X is the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) campaign to encourage safe migration and public action to stop exploitation and human trafficking.

IOM X moves beyond raising awareness to affecting behaviour change by applying a Communication for Development (C4D), evidenced-based and participatory framework to tailor messaging for its activities.

The X-Site: Everything you need in one place

The  difference  between  successful  and  unsuccessful  outreach  activities  often depends  on  the  tools  you  have  to  make  them.  

IOM X has gained experience applying a Communication for Development (C4D) framework to diverse contexts around the world – from Southeast Asia to West Africa, Central America and beyond.

Now this tried-and-tested framework is easier to access than ever before.

The X-Site is packed full of video content, educational resources, training materials, toolkits and more that you can use to supercharge your activities – for free!

Our approach: Giving power to those at the center

IOM X applies a Communication for Development (C4D) framework to support positive behaviour change for the prevention of human trafficking and exploitation.

C4D is used to understand different contexts and people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices around a certain issue to be able to then work with them to develop empowering and positive messages and tools.

In this way, we can best ensure that our information dissemination activities are most likely to achieve the desired impact.

Contact information

For more information, please contact