La quatrième Réunion mondiale des présidents et secrétariats des processus consultatifs régionaux (PCR) sur la migration s’est tenue les 22 et 23 mai à Lima (Pérou). Organisée par le Gouvernement du Pérou en collaboration avec l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), cette réunion visait à faciliter le partage d’expériences et l’échange de vues sur l’utilité et les avantages de la coopération et du dialogue sur les questions de migration, en particulier sur la façon dont les défis migratoires mondiaux sont relevés à l’échelle régionale.

La réunion, qui avait pour thème général « Définir la place des PCR dans un paysage migratoire mondial en mutation », a été l’occasion pour les PCR d’examiner ensemble les principaux faits nouveaux du paysage migratoire mondial et de réfléchir sur le rôle qu’ils jouent pour relever les défis migratoires contemporains. Elle a eu lieu dans la perspective du Dialogue de haut niveau de 2013 sur les migrations internationales et le développement, et a ainsi permis de réfléchir à des synergies potentielles avec d’autres processus et enceintes qui traitent de questions de migration à l’échelle mondiale et interrégionale. Dans ce but, une session a été consacrée à l’échange de vues sur les actions planifiées dans le cadre des préparatifs du Dialogue de haut niveau, et à l’examen des résultats possibles.

Ordre du jour
May 22, 2013

07:00 - 08:30


08:30 - 09:00




  • Director of Ceremonies (Government of Peru)


  • Mr. William Lacy Swing, Director General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)


  • Amb. Claudio de la Puente, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Peru 

09:00 – 09:45


Participants will be invited to introduce each other -- a seating arrangement that allows participants to be seated next to participants from different RCPs/ regions will be adopted.

  • Moderator: Director of Ceremonies (Government of Peru)

09:45 –10:15

Coffee Break  and Group Picture

10:15 –11:30

Taking Stock of RCPs’ Capacity Enhancement Actions since Gaborone

Presentation: Mr. Mabuse Pule, Director of Immigration, Government of Botswana, Host of RCP Global Consultation 2011

RCP Discussants

  • Mr. Gregory Charles Kelly, Minister-Counsellor, Co-Manager of Australia, Regional Support Office (RSO), Bali Process 
  • Mr. Fethi Etem, Head of Migration Department, Consular Affairs, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest Process 
  • Ms. Marta Isabel Mate, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Mozambique, MIDSA
  • Mr. Pedro Hernández González, Head of International Migration Planning Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, SACM

11:30 – 12:15

Plenary Discussion

12:15 – 13:30

Lunch Break

13:30 – 14:30

RCP Engagement with Regional Bodies and Inter-Regional Fora 

Moderator: Ms. Carla Serazzi, Chair, Committee on Migration Issues, Organization of American States 


  • Ms. Lobna Azzam, Coordinator of Arab Expatriates File, Migration and Arab Expatriates Department, League of Arab States
  • Mr. Soenke Schmidt, EU Delegation in Geneva, Minister Counsellor, Migration Issues
  • Mr. Jorge Martinez Pizarro, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean
  • Mr. Luka Anthony Elumelu, Head, Free Movement and Migration Division, Directorate of Free Movement and Tourism, ECOWAS Commission

14:30 – 15:00

Plenary Discussion

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00

Regional and Inter-regional Consultation Mechanisms on Migration Moderator: Ms. Agnieszka Kondek, Senior Expert, Migration Policy Department,  Government of Poland, Prague Process

  • Presentation (based on 2013-commissioned IOM study) Charles Harns, Study Author

16:00 – 16:45 16:45 – 17:45


Break-out Groups:

  • Group 1: Deepening inter-RCP interaction (Room: Atlantis, 3rd floor) Facilitator: Ms. Timea Lehoczki, Legal Expert, Department of European Cooperation, Ministry of Interior, Government of Hungary  
  • Group 2: Enhancing RCP cooperation with other regional and international forums (Room: Hall Atlantis, 3rd floor) Facilitator: Mr. Soenke Schmidt, EU Delegation in Geneva, Minister Counsellor, Migration Issues
  • Group 3: RCP impact on migration policy and practice(Room: Oppian, 3rd floor) Facilitator: Charles Harns, Study Author
  • Rapporteur Reports (30 minutes/ 10 minutes per group)
  • Plenary Discussion (20 minutes)
  • Conclusions and Wrap-up




08:30 – 09:00

Recap of Day I - Discussions and Outcomes (Room: Oceanus, S1)

09:00 – 09:30

Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

Moderator: Ambassador Eduard Gnesa (Government of Switzerland)

GFMD: What has it achieved and where is it going?

  •   Mr. Kannen Kathapermall, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development, Government of Mauritius, GFMD Chair for 2012
  •   Mr. Fethi Etem, Head of Migration Department, Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affair, Government of Turkey  (incoming GFMD Chair for 2015)


9:30 –10:00

RCP-GFMD Interaction

Moderator: Ambassador Eduard Gnesa (Government of Switzerland)

  • Ms. Amuerfina Reyes, Deputy Administrator, Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Government of the Philippines, Abu Dhabi Dialogue
  • Mr. Freddy Montero, Vice Minister of the Interior, Government of Costa Rica, Puebla Process
  • Ms. Caroline Njuki, Project Manager, IGAD-Secretariat

- Strengthening the process of regional input to GFMD deliberations 
- Contributing to regional follow-up to GFMD outcomes

10:00 – 10:30

Plenary Discussion

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break 

11:00 – 12:00 

4th Global RCP Meeting Input to the 2nd HLD*

Moderator: Dr. Alvaro Calderon Ponce de Léon, Director, Consular and Immigration Matters, Citizen Service, Government of Colombia, SACM

Presentation: Looking to the 2nd HLD and the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda
Gregory Maniatis, Special Advisor to  SRSG for Migration and  Development

Presentation: Preliminary Reflections by RCPs on the 2nd HLD:
Michele Klein-Solomon, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, IOM

  • Plenary Discussion

12:00 – 13:15

Break-out Groups: Preparing for the 4 Roundtables of the 2nd HLD 

  • Group 1: Mainstreaming migration into development frameworks (Room: Oceanus, S1) Facilitator: Ms. Caroline Njuki, Project Manager, IGAD-Secretariat
  • Group 2: Protection of migrant rights (Room: Atlantis, 3rd floor) Facilitator: Ms. Paula da Velha, Inspector, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Government of Portugal, 5+5 Dialogue on Migration


  • Group 3: Regional and global labour mobility (Room: Atlantis Hall, 3rd floor) Facilitator: Mr. A.H.M. Kamal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment, Government of Bangladesh, Colombo Process



14:30–  15:30

Rapporteur Reports from Break-out Groups and Plenary Discussion

15:30 – 16:15

Coffee Break

16:15- 17:00

Plenary: Endorsement of Joint Statement of the Chairs and Secretariats of the 4th Global RCP Meeting

Moderator : Director of Ceremonies (Government of Peru)

17:00 - 17:30


  • Ms. Laura Thompson, Deputy Director General, International Organization for Migration (IOM )
  • Ambassador Fernando Quiros Campos, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Peru

Dialogue de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur les migrations internationales et le développement 
