Supporting the Government of Guinea in Mobilising its Diaspora

  • Date de fin
  • Statut du projet
  • Type de projet
    Développement communautaire et économique
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Couverture
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projet ID
  • Etat(s) membre(s) beneficiaires remplissant les conditions requises

Unlike other countries in the West African region (e.g. Senegal and Mali), Guinea is lagging behind in terms of diaspora mobilization and engagement. Mechanisms for diaspora outreach are almost non-existent.
Fully aware of the role of the diaspora in the socio-economic development of a country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Guineans Abroad (MAEGE) is keen to implement a project to enhance their capacities and reinforce the coordination mechanisms with the diaspora.
The proposed project, therefore, aims to strengthen the participation of the Guinean diaspora, which will ultimately result in the future development of their country of origin, through three main components:
1. Strengthening the technical capacities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Guineans Abroad staff through training workshops and exchange visits to countries with experience in diaspora engagement;
2. Developing a communication and coordination strategy with the diaspora through the creation of a website – to be hosted at the MAEGE; and
3. Organizing a forum for the establishment of the High Council of Guineans Abroad.