Elements of Innovation

  • Diaspora Engagement
  • Youth

What is the project about?

With an increasing number of people relocating globally, the value of diaspora populations in aiding development efforts has been recognized by origin countries. Leveraging on such awareness, this project focuses on harnessing the potential of Guyanese diaspora youth, particularly located in North America, the United Kingdom, as well as other regions, to contribute to the development of their country of origin - historically one of emigration.

The project aims to enhance Guyana’s collaboration with its diaspora, facilitating young, skilled members of the Guyanese diaspora to increasingly commit to their homeland’s development via a government-led diaspora youth volunteer program. The project entails a comprehensive strategy, including a literature review to inform the program, establishment of coordination mechanisms, and development of administrative guidelines. Central to the initiative is the deployment of 70 diaspora youth volunteers, who will contribute to five development projects in Guyana. Ultimately, the project seeks to bolster the capacity of the country to leverage diaspora skills for youth-driven socio-economic development.

How is the project innovative?

This project represents an original initiative as it departs from conventional diaspora engagement strategies, by introducing an inventive youth-to-youth framework. It does so by capitalizing on the government's ongoing efforts to tap into the basin of skills within its diaspora, yet it goes a step further by fostering dynamic interactions between young individuals.

Young members of the diaspora are offered a unique opportunity to engage in a transformative journey, beneficial to both macrodevelopmental endeavors as well as the individual development of fellow youths, whether within Guyanese communities in the country of origin, or diaspora communities. By arranging visits of Guyanese diaspora youth from North America and the United Kingdom to their homeland, the project sets the stage for a dynamic exchange of skills and experiences. Through this model of diaspora youth volunteerism, the initiative effectively enhances diaspora's potential contributions toward national development, while simultaneously equipping the government with enhanced capacities to formulate volunteerism-oriented initiatives that harness communities’ participation and engagement.


YEAR: 2020
FUNDS: 184,957 USD