Facts and Figures
Population (2019)
International Migrant Stock (2019)
Share of International Migrants in Total Population
28.1 percent
Migrants Originating from the same SDG Region (2019)
18.2 percent

Operational in the North Pacific since 2009, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Micronesia mission covers the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and Republic of Palau with over 130 national and international staff. IOM Micronesia maintains seven offices in each of FSM’s four states including a main office in Pohnpei State and sub-offices in Yap, Chuuk and Kosrae States, as well as two sub-offices in RMI (Ebeye and Majuro), and one sub-office in Palau (Koror).

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like FSM, RMI and Palau are particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change and natural hazards, including typhoons, droughts, sea level rise, coastal erosion, and storm surges, which can have significant impacts on economic development, food security and human mobility. Additionally, FSM, RMI and Palau, also referred to as “Compact Countries” in line with the Compact of Free Association agreement entered into with the United States, experience unique migration challenges and opportunities that require tailored interventions to ensure the protection of mobile populations, prevent brain drain, and promote safe and orderly mobility.

The IOM Micronesia Office is committed to support national and regional priorities in FSM, RMI, and Palau. The Organization aligns with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent which serves as a roadmap for development in the Pacific region, as well as the Boe Declaration on Regional Security, and National Development Plans across the FSM, RMI, and Palau. At the National level, IOM in RMI supports two primary strategic areas of work: (1) Resilience: preventing the adverse drivers of migration by building national and community resilience of areas most impacted by climate change and natural hazards; and (2) Mobility: advancing multiple avenues for enhanced protection of migrants and their community, enhancing pathways for safe, orderly and regular migration, and maximizing the developmental gains of migration.

IOM Micronesia's Areas of Intervention

Disaster Risk Management

IOM partners with the Government of FSM and stakeholders to increase the capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters. The Organization supports policy development and builds capacities to strengthen early warning systems and improve operational readiness.

Building Community Resilience

IOM works with communities to strengthen resilience to the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. By mapping vulnerabilities and existing capacities, IOM supports the development of community-based disaster risk reduction plans, as well as the implementation of climate change adaptation interventions. Livelihoods diversification and gender empowerment are further promoted through small grants programming.

Migration Management Capacity

In close coordination with the Government of Palau, IOM supports capacity development of key government agencies to effectively manage internal and international migration. IOM seeks to strengthen evidence-based policy development through research, data, and mobility tracking and provides technical assistance to improve Integrated Border Management systems.

Migrant Protection and Assistance

In support of anti-human trafficking efforts, IOM works both at the national and state level to provide technical assistance and build capacity of government counterparts, including law enforcement, to ensure a rights-based and victim-centred approach towards assistance. IOM has also provided direct assistance to victims of trafficking, and conducts regular awareness raising activities at the community level.

Career Opportunities
Position Grade Closing Date
Consultant (Climate Mobility National Adaptation Plan) CON  25 July 2024
Title Closing Date
Contact Us

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Palau Office
Suite 208 PDC Building, Madalaii,
P.O. Box 8006, Koror, Republic of Palau PW 96940
Tel.: +680 488 3113