The community and structural context provides the context within which to understand and interpret the individual and household/family factors. Community factors refer to the immediate physical and social surroundings of individuals and households/families that either increase or decrease an individual’s likelihood of experiencing violence, exploitation or abuse before, during or after migrating. This toolkit provides guidance on how to assess the ways in which community-level factors influence an individual’s vulnerability by using the assessment tool provided.  

Use of the community factors assessment tools will only provide part of the contextual information necessary to interpret the individual and household/family factors – the structural factors are also an important element of this contextual analysis. Information on conducting assessments of the individual, household/ family, and structural factors can be found through the links at the bottom of this page.  

This toolkit contains: (a) a discussion of different community-level factors and how they influence vulnerability; (b) guidance on how to apply and adapt the assessment tool; and (c) an assessment tool to be used to gather, structure and present the information needed to assess the impact of community-level factors on migrant vulnerability. 

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