IOM has many years of experience implementing Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) across the organization’s multiple areas of work. Globally, and particularly following the Grand Bargain commitments, there has been a growing interest among humanitarian and development partners to increase the use of CBI modalities and to provide assistance through the delivery of cash and vouchers to people in need. CBI is used in humanitarian, development and peace operations as well as in various migration contexts, including Return and Reintegration. 

Between 2018 and 2023, IOM implemented CBI in 136 countries, reaching approximately 12 million individual aid recipients. In 2023 alone, IOM reached close to 4 million individual aid recipients in 112 countries with CBI. IOM is a member of the Global Cash Advisory Group and the CALP Network. 

The IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026 sets the overall direction for the use and scale-up of CBI as a priority modality of assistance across all IOM programme areas and in an increasing number of locations. IOM endeavours to use CBI as a catalyst for more comprehensive and sustainable solutions by linking humanitarian cash assistance with social protection systems, livelihood support and other development programmes where possible. 

Developments within the financial sector and the arrival of new technologies allow for easier, faster and more transparent money transfer solutions. Whilst responses must be based on a solid understanding and assessment of the needs, context, market and operating environment, CBI can often be an effective and efficient response option to meet project objectives while empowering targeted individuals and communities and contributing to the recovery of local markets. 

Well-designed CBI can be more cost-efficient than other modalities and allow for better accountability and traceability. They also give aid recipients freedom and dignity to choose commodities and services in accordance with their unique needs. 

For more information on Cash-Based Interventions in IOM, please contact