strategic vision

Type: Regional consultative process on migration (region: Middle East and Africa)

Formal Regional Association with gold multi-stakeholder organization: League of Arab States (LAS)

Established: 2015


The ARCP brings together the countries from the Arab Region with a view to tackling questions arising from migration issues. It is considered as an Arab platform to discuss issues of international migration, and work on: strengthening cooperation between the participating countries and working towards a more profound understanding of migration and refugee issues in the Arab region, promoting a common understanding about the causes, dimensions , patterns and effects of migration and its future trends in the Arab region, as well as helping governments to participate with a unified vision in the global events related to migration and refugee affairs.

Current Thematic Focus

Specific areas of discussion include:

  • Migration and Development.
  • Migration Management.
  • Migration Policies.
  • Brain Drain.
  • Mixed Migration.
  • Irregular Migration.
  • Asylum, Displacement and Forced Migration.
  • Migrants Rights.
  • Integration of Migrants.
  • Remittances of Migrants.
  • Capacity building of governments' officials in the field of migration.
  • Migration data Provision.

Current Presidency

League of Arab States (LAS)
ARCP is not chaired by a country, instead the League of Arab States is the permanent Chair. 


League of Arab States (LAS)


Member States (22 States)

  • Algeria
  • Bahrain
  • Comoros
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Mauritania
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Palestinian Territories
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

States, international and regional organizations, civil society organizations and experts in the field of migration can be invited to participate in the ARCP meetings when the member states see that their presence would represent an added value to the topic discussed and be beneficial to the results of the meeting.

  • May 27-28, 2024, Cairo, Egypt, 10th ARCP Regular Meeting [EN]
  • May 29-30, 2023, Cairo, Egypt, 9th Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs (ARCP) [EN]
  • March 10, 2022, Virtual, 8th Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugees Affairs [Statement EN ]
  • June 1-2, 2021, Virtual, 7th Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugees Affairs [Hint EN; Communique on the World Refugee Day EN ]
  • July 13, 2020, Virtual Event, Sixth Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultation Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs 
  • June 15-16, 2020, Cairo, Egypt, Senior official meeting of the ARCP member states on the regional review of implementation of the GCM, and in preparation of the GFMD
  • April 15-16, 2019, Cairo, Egypt, Fifth Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultation Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs [Hint on the 5th ARCP Meeting EN | AR
  • May 7-8, 2018, Cairo, Egypt, Fourth Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs [Hint on the 4th ARCP Meeting EN
  • July 25-26, 2017, LAS Headquarters, Egypt, Extraordinary Meeting for the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs (ARCP) in preparation for the Ongoing Consultations on the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration ”[Hint EN ; Agenda IN ]]
  • May 8-9, 2017, Cairo, Egypt, League of Arab States Headquarters, Third Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration, [Agenda [ AR ], Hint [ EN], ARCP Position Paper for the 10th GRCP [ AR ]]
  • August 2-3, 2016, Cairo, Egypt, Extraordinary Meeting In preparation of the UNGA High-Level Plenary Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants, Declaration  EN  | AR
  • May 24-25, 2016, Cairo, Egypt, Second Meeting of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration, (adopted the ARCP Programming Document and its 2016-2017 Work Plan)
  • April 27-28, 2015, Cairo, Egypt, First ARCP Meeting, [NEW European Neighborhood Policy - EN ]
Principal Documents
  • ARCP Communique on the World Refugee Day 2024 EN | AR
  • ARCP Document on the Second GCM Regional Review 2024 EN | AR
  • ARCP Communique on the World Refugee Day 2023 EN | AR
  • ARCP Contribution to the 12th GFMD EN  
  • ARCP Contribution to the 11th GFMD EN
  • The ARCP Terms of Reference (ToRs) adopted in April 2015
  • Arab Position towards New European Neighborhood EN | AR
  • ARCP Outcome Document - GCR EN | AR
  • ARCP Outcome Document - GCM EN | AR
  • Final Declaration in Preparation of HLM on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants EN | AR
  • Statements Concerning Victims of Irregular Migration Across the Mediterranean EN | AR
  • Statement on World Refugee 2016 - AR
  • Statement on World Refugee 2017 EN | AR
  • Statement on World Refugee 2018 EN  | AR
  • Statement on World Refugee Day 2019 EN  | AR
Contact information

General Secretariat of the League of Arab States HQ,
Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +2 25750511; +2 25752966
Fax: +2 25740331; +2 25761017


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