The Ninth Global ISCM Meeting (GRCP 9) took place on 10-11 November 2021, as on online event, under the overall theme "International Migration Review Forum: an Opportunity for Inter-State Consultations Mechanisms on Migration to Contribute to the Global Governance of Migration".

GRCP is a closed event for only ISCM Chairs and Heads of ISCM Secretariat. This first virtual GRCP contained both general sessions striving to bring all ISCMs together and dedicated discussion sessions aimed at maximal participation of ISCMs across different time zones. The event brought together the Chairs and the Heads of Secretariat of 23 inter-State consultation mechanisms on migration (ISCM) from different parts of the world. Representatives of 18 ISCMs spoke at GRCP 9.

GRCP 9 discussed possible contributions by interested inter-State consultations mechanisms on migration (ISCMs) to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) - the global-level review of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).

ISCMs are often the only specialized entities on migration within their respective regions and are key actors to ensure regional aspects of the review of the GCM implementation.

ISCM contribution to the GCM reviews focuses on the work the given ISCM already does in different thematic areas. The work of the ISCMs is already in itself a regional or cross-regional contribution to various GCM objectives.

The following issues were discussed at GRCP 9:

  • ISCM role in the IMRF as an ISCM contribution to global governance of migration
  • The benefits of ISCMs engagement in the IMRF for regional and cross-regional migration governance
  • ISCM review of GCM Objectives and guiding principles.

The global-level review of the GCM – the IMRF – was seen as an opportunity for ISCMs to bring regional aspects to the global level and contribute to global migration governance and global policy dialogue on migration. The possible formats of contribution by ISCMs to the IMRF were considered. Some ISCMs have already planned events or written submissions on different aspects of migration governance that will input into the IMRF.

The Report of GRCP 9 Meeting and the Summary of IOM Survey conducted among ISCMs on the GCM regional reviews and the IMRF will be submitted to the IMRF as a collective ISCM input.

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