The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is mobilizing teams and boosting capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to respond to the immense humanitarian needs of Ukrainians forced to flee the country, those internally displaced, and stranded third-country nationals. This page compiles the latest news and resources related to IOM's response in Ukraine and the region.  

The Organization’s priority is the safety and protection of all those fleeing the country – including third-country nationals – and their ability to access assistance. This includes screening for and assessing potential vulnerabilities, including for human trafficking, child protection, health and mental health, and the arrival of more vulnerable people with special needs, including elderly, wounded or sick people. 

Since February 2022, IOM staff have been tirelessly working to address urgent needs, build resilience, and enable recovery. As the war enters its third year, IOM is continuing to provide life-saving assistance and protection support while also scaling up efforts to address longer-term socioeconomic impacts in both Ukraine and neighbouring countries. 

IOM Ukraine Strategic Response Plan

Strategic Response Plan

Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries 2024–2026


Millions of people were forced to leave their homes in search of safety. The war has deeply impacted access to crucial services throughout Ukraine. Needs are staggering. 

IOM has been in Ukraine since 1996 and stayed to provide life-saving assistance during the war. IOM has provided support to internally displaced people, refugees and migrants and will continue to help rebuild Ukraine.  

Since February 2022, we have helped over 6.5 million people in Ukraine and neighbouring countries find shelter, access health care, and restart businesses, but much more work still needs to be done.  

We can’t do this alone – We need your help.


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