Qui sommes nous
Qui sommes nousL'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) fait partie du système des Nations Unies et est la première organisation intergouvernementale à promouvoir depuis 1951 une migration humaine et ordonnée qui profite à tous, composée de 175 Etats membres et présente dans 171 pays.
- Structure organisationnelle
- Directrice générale
- Directrice générale adjointe chargée de la gestion et des réformes
- Directrice générale adjointe chargée des opérations
- Bureau du Chef de Cabinet
- Bureau des partenariats, de la sensibilisation et de la communication
- Bureau de la stratégie et de la performance institutionnelle
Notre travail
Notre travailEn tant que principale organisation intergouvernementale qui promeut depuis 1951 une migration humaine et ordonnée, l'OIM joue un rôle clé pour soutenir la réalisation du Programme 2030 à travers différents domaines d'intervention qui relient à la fois l'aide humanitaire et le développement durable.
Ce que nous faisons
Ce que nous faisons
- Où travaillons-nous
Travailler avec nous
Travailler avec nous
- Données et recherche
- 2030 AGENDA
Les consultations annuelles OIM-OSC visent à renforcer la compréhension mutuelle et les partenariats entre l’OIM et la société civile. Elles sont l’occasion d’identifier des priorités communes, de faciliter l’échange de pratiques exemplaires et de susciter des solutions innovantes.
- Ordre du jour
9 October 2014
IOM-CSO Annual Consultations|Follow up to the 2013 HLD
4th Floor Conference Room, Annex, IOM HQ, GenevaFinal Agenda
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:45
Introductory Remarks
Ovais Sarmad, Chief of Staff, IOM
09:45 – 11:15
The Integration of Migration into the post-2015 Development Agenda and the role of diaspora
The integration of migration into the post-2015 development agenda will ensure recognition of migrants as agents of development. From the on-going process, there are indications that the targets formulated will facilitate orderly, safe and regular migration and lower the cost of remittances. The connection of diaspora groups to the development of their countries and home communities will therefore be important for the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. This session seeks to discuss perspectives on this process so far with a focus on the question of how mobilization of diasporas can be mainstreamed into development planning.
09:45 - 10:00
IOM perspective
Jill Helke, IOM
10:00 - 10:15
CSO perspective
John Bingham, ICMC
10:15 - 11:15
Discussion Moderator
Lars Lonnback, IOM
11:15 –11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00
Reducing the Cost of Labour Migration
From the multilateral perspective, lowering the cost of migration has been identified as a priority by UN Member States during the 2013 High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development at the UN General Assembly, the Global Forum on Migration and Development and discussions relating to the post-2015 development agenda. These costs include recruitment fees, remittance transfer costs and other costs related to visa processing, transportation, and medical and criminality checks. This panel aims to focus on the first two components, exploring how regulatory and non-regulatory approaches can reduce the financial burden experienced by labour migrants and thereby reduce their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
11:30 - 11:50
CSO perspective
Zuzanna Muskat-Gorska, ITUC
Farhan Hassan, Somali Heritage Academic Network
11:50 - 12:00
IOM perspective
Tauhid Pasha, IOM
12:00 - 13:00
Discussion Moderator
Patrick Taran, Global Migration Policy Associates
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch (1st floor Conference Room in main building)
14:00 – 15:30
Improving the Global Public Perception of Migrants
This session will showcase a number of innovative initiatives designed to address the positive contribution of migrants, including a project implemented in Poland (Migrants’ Rights in Action)as well as Plural Plus, which invites youth to address key challenges related to social inclusion and cohesion, respect for identity and diversity, and human rights through video. Additionally, IOM’s Contribution of Migrants campaign is part of a Swiss-wide tour by a customized bus. Another IOM campaign, #MigrationMeans, raises awareness on the positive impact of migration and so far has received over 5,000 posts on our social media channels. Finally, IOM’s Missing Migrants Project is the first global count of migrants who died while seeking to pass international borders. This project draws attention to the human tragedy on our borders.
14:00 - 14:30
IOM perspective
Pindie Stephen, IOM
Leonard Doyle, IOM
14:30 - 15:00
CSO perspective
Maria Giovanna Manieri, PICUM
Reverend Mussie Zerai, Agenzia Habeshia
15:00 - 15:30
Discussion Moderator
Robert Glasser, Secretary General, CARE International
15:30 – 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:15
Immigration Detention and Beyond
This session seeks to discuss the critical issues related to immigration detention. It will, among others, focus on alternatives and non-custodial measures of detention, health issues of migrants and staff, migrant children in detention and improving conditions in immigration detention facilities. The session will present some case studies and examples of good practices from different parts of the world.
15:45 – 16:00
CSO perspective
Ben Lewis, IDC
16:00 – 16:15
IOM perspective
Kristina Touzenis, IOM
16:15 – 17:15
Discussion Moderator
Beris Gwynne, World Vision International
17:15 – 17:30
Summary of Discussions and Way Forward Rapporteur
Melissa Pitotti, ICVA
17:30 - 17:45
Concluding Remarks
Ovais Sarmad, Chief of Staff, IOM
17:45 – 19:00
Reception (1st floor Conference Room in main building)