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HNPW 2024 (Panel Discussion) Humanitarian Leadership on Collective AAP Approach
IOM Deputy Director General for Operations' Message on the AAP Event
What is Human Trafficking?

The IOM Djibouti office was established in 2009 to support the Government of Djibouti in ensuring safe, orderly and regular migration. A Migration Response Center is operational in Obock since 2011 and three sub-offices have opened in 2023 and 2024, in Tadjourah, Dikhil and Ali Sabieh.

Positioned strategically at the crossroads of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, with a mere 16-kilometer maritime passage to Yemen, the Republic of Djibouti is a pivotal point in the Eastern Route—a perilous journey embarked upon by tens of thousands of men, women, and children in search of a better life. The country faces unique challenges and opportunities linked to migration and has increasingly become a transit as well as destination country for movements across the Gulf of Aden and beyond.In 2023, migratory movements increased by 25% compared to 2022, with a total of 278,272 migratory movements recorded in Djibouti (incoming, transiting and outgoing movements cumulated), according to the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix. The majority of the migrants were from Ethiopia.

Embracing the vision outlined in IOM Strategic Plan for 2024-2028, IOM Djibouti is committed to deliver on the promise of migration, while supporting the world’s most vulnerable.

IOM Djibouti’s approach is centered on supporting humanitarian response and protection in close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Djibouti. It is driven by evidence-based data and collaborative partnerships, including the private sector, with the aim to promote the Global Compact for Migration objectives. Integrating migration as a solution is key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, underscoring the commitment to leave no one behind.

IOM is dedicated to support the government of the Republic of Djibouti along all the domains of migration and implements relevant activities in close collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity, and the Ministry of Woman and Family.


IOM Djibouti’s activities contribute to achieving IOM’s three strategic objectives:

Objective 1: Saving life and protecting people on the move:

Direct assistance, protection services and health

IOM Djibouti provides assistance services to migrants in vulnerable situation through IOM’s shelters in Djibouti, and the Migration Response Center (MRC) in Obock. Those services include food, safe shelter, referrals to legal aid, child protection services, family tracing, access to healthcare, mental health and psychosocial support. The IOM clinic at the MRC provides tailored health services and referrals.

IOM Djibouti further addresses the immediate needs of vulnerable migrants and host communities along the migratory route by providing tailored and gender-sensitive dignity kits including non-food and hygiene items, adapted to different profiles.

In close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Djibouti, IOM supports health and hygiene structures benefitting both the migrants and the host communities.

IOM assistance services are not only helping in meeting migrants’ personal needs but also in easing strain on local resources of the host community, promoting inclusivity and community resilience.


Search and rescue, mobile patrol, dead body management and missing migrants

Migrants traveling via irregular pathways along the Eastern Route face grave risks, including severe weather conditions, dehydration, shipwrecks; often culminating in tragic fatalities. Consequently, numerous dead bodies are discovered along the migratory routes and the shores of Djibouti. IOM collaborates closely with the national and local authorities as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross to support the first-line responders.

IOM Djibouti provides urgent medical care and vital assistance through distributions of food and water to vulnerable migrants in remote areas via a medical mobile patrol in the north of the country, near Obock and the Lac Assal. Furthermore, IOM Djibouti and the Djibouti Red Crescent signed a partnership agreement to strengthen humanitarian assistance, including a medical mobile patrol, in the southern region of the country. IOM also contributes to ensure access to water along the migratory corridors.

To contribute to save lives at sea, IOM Djibouti works with the Djiboutian Coast Guard to optimize their technical and material capacities in terms of search and rescue operations.

Objective 2: Durable solution to displacement

Displacement Tracking Matrix

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is operational in Djibouti to gather, analyze and disseminate critical, multi-layered information on the mobility drivers and trends, vulnerabilities and needs of migrants on the move that enables decision-makers and responding partners to implement evidence-based and tailored interventions.

All the DTM dashboards for Djibouti can be found on the DTM website.


Migration, Environment and Climate Change

IOM Djibouti develops knowledge and awareness on Migration, Environment, and Climate Change (MECC), to support the Government of the Republic of Djibouti in integrating environmental migration into governmental strategies. Civil society, and especially youth, are also engaged in addressing challenges and seize opportunities related to MECC.

IOM operates a plastic recycling unit, La Fabrick, together with the local authorities and community in Obock. This initiative addresses environmental concerns by reducing plastic waste while providing economic opportunities for the host community’s most vulnerable members through Cash-for-Work and income-generating activities programming.


Building resilience for the host community

To support Djibouti’s host community in facing the challenges brought by migration, IOM Djibouti implements income-generating activities and cash for work initiatives, in collaboration with the government and local authorities. To support the health sector which is particularly impacted by the needs to adapt to an increasing demand in term of medical assistance, IOM also works with the health structures through donations and rehabilitation benefiting both the host community and migrant population along the Eastern corridor.  

 Objective 3: Facilitating pathways for regular migration

Migration Governance

IOM Djibouti works closely with the National Coordination Office for Migration to develop strategies and action plans, as well as across ministries on topics related to migration governance, with the aim to address the challenges and harness the opportunities of migration and cross-border mobility.


Labour Migration and Social Inclusion

Djibouti is part of the Regional Ministerial Forum on Migration (RMFM), bringing together 11 States from East and Horn of Africa Region to jointly address labour migration policies, foster labour mobility and protect the fundamental human, labour, and social rights of migrant workers migrating within the continent and from Africa to European Union, Gulf Cooperation Council Member States and other countries. In addition, the Djiboutian Ministry of Labour is part of the IOM’s Global Policy Network to address recruitment-related challenges and share best practices in policy and regulation enforcement.

IOM Djibouti also facilitates labour migration opportunities for Djiboutian youth.


Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration

Through the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme, migrants are supported and accompanied by IOM through different stages in order to return to their countries of origin. In coordination with the IOM receiving missions, reintegration support is provided to migrants in vulnerable situation, including unaccompanied migrant children, survivors of Gender-Based Violence, survivors of violence, abuse and exploitation.


Resettlement Assistance

Resettlement is an international protection tool which meets the specific needs of refugees and other vulnerable persons of concern. Resettlement is also a durable solution for refugees as well as a demonstration of international solidarity and responsibility-sharing with countries hosting large numbers of refugees.  In Djibouti, IOM works closely with governments, UNHCR, NGOs and other partners, such as airlines and airport authorities, to enable resettlement.

Transversal initiatives:

Accountability to Affected Populations

Feedback from individuals and communities supported by IOM as well as other stakeholders is crucial in shaping the organization’s projects and activities. IOM has established mechanisms to gather their insights in order to ensure that all initiatives respond and are tailored to their needs.


Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and sexual Harassment (PSEAH)

IOM has a policy of zero tolerance of sexual exploitation and abuse by IOM staff members and the employees or any other persons engaged and controlled by IOM Contractors. IOM Djibouti is committed to ensure PSEAH in all its areas of work.


Cross-cutting priorities

IOM Djibouti also implements the organization’s cross-cutting priorities, as define in its Strategic Plan:

- Integrity, Transparency and Accountability

- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

- Protection-centred Approaches

- Environmental Sustainability

Career Opportunities

Being a member of the IOM team requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. As an international organization with a global mandate, IOM also aims to maintain an equitable geographical balance among its staff. As such, its recruitment efforts target, but are not necessarily limited to, nationals of its Member States. IOM is an equal opportunity employer and seeks committed professionals with a wide variety of skills in the field of migration. IOM staff work in multi-cultural environments, in which diversity and cultural sensitivity are valued.


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Contact Information

International Organization for Migration (IOM) 
Rue de l’Ambassadeur, Heron. République de Djibouti 
B.P. 670 

Tel: +253 21 32 04 50 or +253 21 35 72 80. 
Fax: +253 21 72 89 

Email: iomdjibouti@iom.int
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iomdjibouti/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DjiboutiIom


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