
Chad currently hosts about 300,000 refugees in 17 refugee camps and 160,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the eastern and southern parts of the country. The forced migration has been caused mostly by conflict and general insecurity in western Sudan, eastern Chad, and in parts of Central African Republic (CAR). Food insecurity, failed harvests, and inconsistent rains have had an impact on migration patterns. Regional socio-economic challenges and political dynamics also contribute to trends that have resulted in Chad being a host country not only to refugees, but also to victims of human trafficking.

Currently IOM Chad's core activities focus on the resettlement of Sudanese and CAR refugees in Eastern and Southern Chad respectively. IOM Chad is also engaged in the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) of Chadian nationals from Malta and Italy, as well as migration support for family reunification. A counter-trafficking project has been launched to assist in developing responses to the human trafficking phenomenon in the country through capacity building and training in partnership with local NGOs. IOM Chad is a member of the United Nations Country Team.

Movement, Emergency and Post-crisis Migration Management


  • US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration

IOM Chad supports movements and operations for the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) funded by the Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State.

IOM Chad provides support to Overseas Processing field teams conducting resettlement interviews in Chad, and provides logistical support for US immigration officers working in Chad who adjudicate cases being referred for resettlement.

Through its Abeche Sub-Office, IOM is responsible for moving refugees by road and by air from the 12 refugee camps in the East to Abeche for interviews, medical exams (see next section), and cultural orientation.

The mission also looks after the refugee population being accommodated in the IOM Transit Center in Abeche.

Main Projects

  • Support to Overseas Processing field teams and logistical support for US immigration officers adjudicating cases in Chad
  • Movement of refugees from camps in the East to Abeche for interviews, medical exams and cultural orientation
  • Management of the IOM Transit Center in Abeche

Migration Health

IOM Chad is responsible for conducting medical exams for migrants departing from Chad. The United States is the primary resettlement country for refugees hosted in Chad, and IOM Chad completes required medical procedures, as stipulated by USRAP and the Center for Disease Control.


  • Medical examinations and procedures for migrants departing from Chad

Migration and Development

IOM Chad undertakes Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Chadian nationals from Malta and Italy. IOM Chad has liaised with a host of other IOM missions in countries with  a predominantly Chadian migrant population to assist Chadians to return home in order to contribute to the development of Chad.


  • Return of Chadian nationals from Malta and Italy

Regulating Migration


  • US Department of State

IOM Chad is implementing a counter human trafficking project that is funded by the United States Department of State. The completion of country-wide research on the subject, currently underway, will inform and shape the nature and direction of future project development and implementation including law enforcement training, capacity building with service providers, and the prevention of human trafficking and assistance to victims.


  • Research, assessment, and  proposal on counter hman trafficking in Chad

Migration Research


  • US Department of State

IOM is currently conducting expert research and analysis on human trafficking in Chad.


  • Research, assessment, and  proposal on counter human trafficking in Chad

Last updated:
Main text: August 2010
Facts and figures: August 2014