Facts and Figures
Population (2020)
393.2 thousand
Net Migration Rate (2021)
1.2 migrants/ 1,000 population
Remittances (2021)
773.2 billion
Women as a Percentage of Immigrants (2020)

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas became a Member State of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on the 30th of November, 2004. 

Since then, IOM in the Bahamas has implemented several projects in various fields, such as emergency response in the wake of Hurricane Dorian in 2019, including the distribution of shelter repair kits and management of shelters, providing essential household items to displaced families, supporting debris removal operations and deploying its Displacement Tracking Matrix to provide accurate information on the needs of the affected population; the establishment of a travel document and fraud detection laboratory in Nassau; and the voluntary return and reintegration of migrants.  

For more information on migration trends and IOM activities in the Bahamas, contact the IOM Regional Office for Central and North America and the Caribbean located in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Contact Information

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Regional Office for Central and North America and the Caribbean
Avenida Central entre calles 27 y 29
Casa 2775, San José
Costa Rica


Tel:    +506 2 212 5300
Fax:    +506 2 222 0590
Email:    ROSanJose@iom.int 
Website:    http://rosanjose.iom.int